FACT-11 진행식 거품도포 시스템
Progressive Foam Spray System

퇴비화 시설, 오염토양 경작장에 거품도포기술을 적용할 수 있습니다

FACT-11  Prgressive Foam Spray System 

You can apply the foam cover technology anywhere you want

Apply the odor-degrading microbial foam FACT-2 for manure and waste
Apply the fuel-degrading microbial foam FACT-3 for fuel-contaminated soil

Compost facility, (Fodd) Waste storage facility, Smelly sewer and septic tank, Landfarming for fuel contaminated soil,  Area requiring simultaneous control of odors, volatile substances, and fugitive dust

Moving distance           :  Same as the mixer distance (This system is attached to the mixer already installed)
Reagent tank capacity : 1000 L
Foam generation rate  :  1600 L/min
Foam quality                 :  99% (1L liquid reagent generates 100 L foam)
Required power            :  3.8 kw, 220 V